Autobiographical narratives of childhood and from within: an affective mapping in fictions elaborated by grandchildren.


  • Candela Gencarelli Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.


Autobiographical narratives, Grandchildren, Memories, Childhood, Affects


In recent years there has been the emergence of narratives that, in different significant registers, recover the vital experience and explore the grandmothers-granddaughters, mothers-daughters bond in an autobiographical key; they investigate the filial bond and different silenced episodes of violence within the family nucleus from the diffuse and porous borders that extend between autobiography and fiction. In this way, they nourish the elaboration of an affective mapping (Masiello, 2020) in which the felt experiences awaken the community networks and allow the sharing of a common truth. This article presents an exploration of two productions recently premiered in Córdoba, both in May 2022, the play Trata de irse directed by Pol Abregú and the film Siete ritmos directed by Julia Rotondi.


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Author Biography

  • Candela Gencarelli, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

    National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). Centre for Advanced Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of Córdoba (CEA - FCS - UNC). Córdoba, Argentina.


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Incipient Research

How to Cite

Autobiographical narratives of childhood and from within: an affective mapping in fictions elaborated by grandchildren. (2022). Polémicas Feministas, 6, 1-19.

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