Silencing and speaking out


  • Andrés Fernando Stisman Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


Silence, Silencing, Obviousness of privilege, Analogy


Feminist philosophy of language works with multiple senses of the term "silence." One of them is related to the lack of participation in the social production of meanings. The paper explores, focusing on various contributions, especially those of Spender and Fricker, in what sense women have been historically silenced. Women have not defined relevant terms for themselves. Women have not been able to speak for themselves, express their realities from their own perspectives. Subsequently, the conjecture is unfolded that the exit from silence can occur when the obviousness of privilege that obstructs the possibility of finding relevant analogies between phenomena is broken.



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How to Cite

Silencing and speaking out. (2024). Polémicas Feministas, 8(1), 1-16.