
  • Feminisms and sexual dissidence in the combat zone: actions and reactions to the right-wing extremism
    Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024)

    The (new) right and its militarist allies are not new phenomena, although the singularity of a time-space always imbues them with novelty. In America as a whole (although it is resoundingly global), the Trumpist and Bolsonarist phenomenon was slowly and effectively woven not only in the bedroom relationship of parties and companies, but also at the grassroots, among the people. The ‘far right’ and the ‘extreme right’ are political categories that were taking on possible ways of reaching the ballot box, of being elected, of finally governing. We saw it from a distance that we believed to be immune to the (not so naïve) trust and democracy built over forty years by dint of contradictions, challenges, the street, human rights, feminism and the LGBTIQ movement multiplying and widening common life. The year 2023 marked a milestone we thought impossible: the composition of extreme right-wing and militarist forces managed to reach a presidential formula (there were already parliamentarians and more) and managed to constitute a tense and somber ballotage in the new presidency of Argentina. What (happened) to us? Given the various and unforeseen constraints of this year, we did not manage to organise a Dossier as we have done in previous volumes. Even so, we were able to give this issue an identity from La Polémica. On the basis of the questions raised in the call for papers and others suggested later, local leaders put forward their positions on the challenge that summons us: to question and rethink some of the drifts of what, from certain political and social sectors, we can polemically understand as a ‘feminist malpractice’ (disidentifying, ‘piantavotos’) or, on the contrary, to strengthen and perseveringly erect the practices and banners that we consider to be inalienable. The polemic is still open and we look forward to your participation.


  • Feminisms and sexual dissidence in the combat zone: actions and reactions to the right-wing extremism
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)

    and This is a year of great upheaval for Argentina, but not only for those of us who live within the state border. The effects of the anti-democratic neo-liberal ultra-right have been shaking up political and ideological horizons all over the world. Proclamations and political programmes that, after arduous struggles and fights, we thought were buried, or at least publicly sanctioned for violating fundamental human rights, reappear in cruel and aggravated formats in the legitimacy of terror. How do feminisms and sexual dissidences act creatively and effectively in this scenario? How do we react and resist at the same time? When everything seems to be called into question, what principles and struggles do we hold on to, what areas of struggle do we prioritise, or do we go for everything and everyone in the revitalisation of democracy, the sense of the public and the central value of the commons? In this issue of transition, from an annual to a biannual magazine, the Editorial Team of Polémicas Feministas invites you to share your reflections in order to imagine and create a new egalitarian, creative, just and loving present with the usual ingredient: the value and power of thinking, doing and feeling collectively.


  • Building Responses to Gender-based Violence in Universities
    Vol. 7 (2023)

    Another year closes and finds us in a state of uncertainty and perplexity. A noisy and violent return to narratives we thought were of the past. Our country has democratically elected a neo-conservative and neoliberal, misogynist and homophobic far-right political force, which has publicly affirmed that gender inequalities and all forms of gender-based violence are a fiction, pure ideology, a private matter. A political force that has installed, as part of global trends, the premise of freedom as equivalent to free markets and property. In this context, our editorial work, as a feminist journal of a public university in Cordoba, becomes essential. It is no longer just a matter of disseminating and publicising the research, debates and priorities of a specific social and political sector, but of sustaining them as basic and essential pillars of a constitutional democracy committed in every daily act to the defence of the public, of human rights and of Abya Yala. It is a path that involves the personal, but which can only be made effective collectively. It is a path that today more than ever we need to take care of, sustain and sow again in solidarity and love.

  • Gender, Affects and Fiction
    Vol. 6 (2022)

    In this new issue of Polémicas Feministas we renew our hopes in the way we can: by making available a singular space for writing, conversation, dispute and creation. And the overwhelming proof of the need for this instance was the reception of more than 30 works which, after peer review, were mostly distributed in the different sections of the journal, headed by the Dossier: "Gender, Affections, Fiction". We also publish Tributes to our great writers who are no longer with us, but whose legacy remains active in our political and academic practices: Angélica Gorodischer, Francesca Gargallo and bell hooks. We also have essays, free articles, and incipient research, an unpublished and necessary translation by the great anthropologist Esther Newton and a Production of Knowledge from Art by the Cordovan collective Bordamos por la Paz. Finally, a publishing novelty brought together in the premiere section: La Polémica. As a way of promoting our name, we invite local referents to discuss a theme - in this issue, a theme linked to the Dossier on practices known by their English names as pinkwashing and queerbaiting - and then open it up to the reading public. Those who are interested can participate from our website, following the link provided in the summary of La Polémica.

  • Youth and feminisms in Latin America. Challenges, transformations and new imaginaries
    Vol. 5 (2021)

    In recent years, feminist, women's and dissidence movements have acquired an undeniable generational mark. The "revolution of the daughters", the "youth spring", "the granddaughters of the witches", are metaphors used in Argentina to reflect the protagonism of young people, mostly women, in feminism. This emergence of young people is taking place against a backdrop of renewed neoliberal policies, the (re)emergence of conservative, violent and discriminatory discourses, and practices of regulation and control of bodies that deny access to rights, in a complex capitalist, racist and heteropatriarchal framework. A significant milestone that motivated many young people to approach feminism was the first public demonstration Ni Una Menos, which, from the first call in June 2015, was configured as a field of articulation of collectives (and collectives), demands, slogans and at the same time as a space for participation and reference. This youthfulness contributed to the massification of the movement that became the green tide in 2018, in the context of the debates and demonstrations for the legalisation of abortion in Argentina, a youthfulness that is part of a broader phenomenon that is spreading throughout different countries in Latin America. In this issue of Polémicas Feministas we present six articles that address the complexity of the links between youth and feminisms from different latitudes -Mexico, Colombia and Argentina-, reflecting the territorial particularities in the modalities of participation and expression of young people, the resistances and transformations, the agendas and demands they propose, the intergenerational relations and the impact of technologies on youth participation. The papers received are the product of research: one of them is a literature review and the other five follow an ethnographic methodological approach. The themes of the selected contributions deal with feminist youth activism, cyberfeminisms, youth participation in gender and sexuality issues in school contexts, as well as the epistemological problematisation of the (non) representation of women as political subjects in youth studies.

  • Feminisms and sex-gendered dissidence in Argentina: Genealogies, political imaginaries and (de)constructions of commonness
    Vol. 4 (2020)

    Almost a year ago we asked ourselves if it made sense to launch the call for the fourth issue of Polémicas Feministas; what it meant, why and what we would do it for in a context of such perplexity. We finally decided to sustain the project because we considered that we needed to take care of spaces already sown, make them grow, widen them and add places where, from feminisms, we could continue to think about the problems that move us, occupy us, cross us. Today, with this fourth issue, it fills us with joy to recognise that Polémicas Feministas continues to be a collective project that is carried out through attentive reading and permanent conversation. The numerous contributions indicate that the invitation to participate was enthusiastically received by activists and academics alike. A diversity of works populated the sections we proposed for this new period of the journal: in addition to the classic formats of the dossier, free articles, interviews and translations, there were also productions of collective writing, knowledge(s) from art and incipient research. The contributions even exceeded our expectations, challenged them and invited us to make room for other formats, as in the case of the homage to María Lugones or the advance of the expanded and corrected reprint of the political biography of Carlos Jáuregui, both of which are published in this issue. All this journey has been an enormous learning experience for those of us who make up the Editorial Team and has led us to consider the incorporation of new sections and other modifications for the future.

  • Lo sexual es político
    Vol. 3 (2019)

    In the first decade of the 21st century, the epistemological frameworks and the practices that link the sexual and the political have developed in an unprecedented way. On the one hand, there has been an increase and diversification in the activisms' actions  regarding the problems of bodies, sexualities, and diverse and dissident eroticities; on the other hand, there has been a proliferation of aesthetic and artistic productions in this regard. There has even been a very important legal and institutional activity around these issues: think, for example, of Argentina's national laws on sexual and reproductive health, sexual education, equal marriage, gender identity, laws that have been not only fundamental achievements for feminisms but also generators of changes in the sexual life in our societies. That is why it is pertinent to read what has been happening since the beginning of the new millennium through the lens provided by the slogan "sexual is political", which clearly takes up that other slogan formulated in the 1970s, "personal is political", when feminisms entered with force to dispute politics in the terrain of intimacy, of the private, of emotional and erotic bonds and of bodies.

  • Debates y prácticas en torno a la violencia de género
    Vol. 2 (2013)

    The violence that is exercised by virtue of sex, gender, sexual option of a person is one of the most denigrating and insidious violations of human rights, because it implies invisibility, exclusion, vulnerability, marginalization, beatings, death. However, it is the most widespread violence in our contemporary Iberic and Latin American societies because it is naturalized in the social imaginary and therefore it not seen or perceived as such. In its different manifestations - physical, sexual, psychological, economic, symbolic, etc. - this type of violence is one of the expressions of the unequal power relations that culturally and historically structure phallocentric, androcentric, heteronormative societies.

    This issue presents works that address the problem of gender violence from four approaches: theoretical insights, empirical research, practices of social and community intervention, and political activism.

  • Aportes de los feminismos a las ciencias sociales y humanas
    Vol. 1 (2011)

    The general objective of this first issue was making the mapping of the contributions of feminisms and gender studies to the different disciplines of the social and human sciences since the 1980s. We also wanted to present the story of the department that saw the birth of this journal, then called the Interdisciplinary Program of Women's and Gender Studies (PIEMG), as told in first person by some of its members in an interview that gives an account of an academic and political project sustained with tenacity.