Politics and Code of Ethics
General ethical guidelines
Polémicas Feministas adheres to national guidelines (National Law 26.899 and its regulation) and to that established by the National University of Córdoba (RHCS 1365/2017), following the Guidelines for Ethical Behaviour in the Social Sciences and Humanities established by the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina and the Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publications (COPE). This positioning is also in line with international regulations, declarations and proposals regarding ethical and open access aspects established for academic publications (Budapest, 2002; Bethesda, 2003; Berlin, 2003 and 2011; Salvador de Bahía, 2005; Recommendation of the European Commission, 2012; Guidelines for Open Access Development and Promotion Policies, UNESCO, 2013; Innovation and Research Programme "Horizon 2020" for the European Community; among others).
Taking into account the fundamental aspects of all these guidelines, Polémicas Feministas promotes, supports and provides free, immediate and full-text access to all its content, under the principle of offering society its academic and artistic production without restrictions, contributing to a greater exchange and enrichment of global knowledge.
Specific guidelines for the submission of manuscripts and audiovisual productions
Regarding the reception of manuscripts and/or artistic productions, Polémicas Feministas provides clear and precise information about the reception and peer review process, as well as the criteria to be used throughout the reading and evaluation process. It also makes known the instances in which the works received are being considered and, eventually, published.
At no time does the Editorial Team explicitly disclose the identity of the authors, reviewers or evaluators, or any other data arising from a manuscript or production sent to the journal.
Following the established procedures, the Editorial Team, for its part, has the power to decide on what is published, assessing the originality and importance of the subject. Likewise, and if necessary, the Editorial Team may make modifications and clarifications in accordance with the ethical and style standards established by the journal.
Authors must corroborate that the work submitted for evaluation complies with the ethical and style standards established by the journal. Likewise, it is expressly stated that the opinions of those who write are their sole responsibility.
Polémicas Feministas publishes original, unpublished work that is not under consideration by other publications. Therefore, the writer is responsible for ensuring that the submission has not been previously published in whole or in part, nor has it been simultaneously submitted for review to another journal.
Policy regarding scientific fraud
The general assumptions of scientific fraud are as follows: 1. Fabrication, falsification or omission of data and plagiarism; 2. Duplicate publication; 3. Conflicts of authorship.
All submitted articles will be thoroughly checked for plagiarism detection using the Plagius detection software. Following criteria common to indexed journals of the National University of Cordoba (Argentina), the assumptions of plagiarism are: presenting another's work totally or partially as one's own; adopting words or ideas from other authors without due acknowledgement; not using inverted commas (or simile) in a literal quotation; giving incorrect information about the true source of a quotation or reference; paraphrasing a source without mentioning it. This situation includes papers presented as original, when they are new versions of previously published works and no notice is given to the Editorial Team for consideration.
Both the Editorial Team and the reviewers, according to the corresponding instances, have the faculty to communicate possible dishonest practices related to plagiarism and other cases of scientific fraud detected in the works within the criteria of confidentiality.
If the work falls into any of the situations indicated above, the Editorial Team will return the article requesting an explanation. If this is not satisfactory, the manuscript will be rejected.
Open access policy
Polémicas Feministas is a free, open and free access journal, that is to say, all contents are available to the public without any monetary charge.
The acceptance of the article or production by Polémicas Feministas implies the transfer of circulation rights after its publication (postprint) under Creative Commons license, which allows sharing, copying, distributing, altering, transforming, generating a derivative work, performing and publicly communicating the work, provided that: a) the authorship and the original source of publication (journal, publisher and URL of the work) are cited; b) the same terms of the license are maintained.
Polémicas Feministas adhered from 2011 to 2021 to the Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivative Works (by-nc-nd) licence, which does not allow commercial use of the original work or the creation of derivative works.
From 2022 it adheres to the licence Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence which allows sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format) and adapting (remixing, transforming and building upon the material), under the following terms: Attribution - you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that you or your use is endorsed by the licensor; NonCommercial - you may not use the material for commercial purposes; ShareAlike - if you remix, transform or build upon the material, you must distribute your contribution under the same licence as the original. You may not add additional restrictions on this use: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from making any use permitted by the licence.
The assignment of circulation rights of the authors grants the editors authorisation for the work to be placed in the institutional repository of the National University of Cordoba and disseminated through the databases that the Editorial Team considers appropriate for indexing and social networks with a view to increasing the visibility of the publication and its authors.
Self-Archiving Policy
Polémicas Feministas allows authors to self-archive all content regardless of the stage of the editorial process in which it is found, preprint/postprint (in all versions).
Regarding the preprint and postprint versions (before the production process), if you want to disseminate them, it must be after the article completes its corresponding editorial process in order to maintain their originality of the paper. They must also be referenced and use the same Creative Commons that the publication version (edited postprint) will have.
Privacy Policy
Names and e-mail addresses that form part of communications by submissions or evaluations in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in this magazine and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.