Justice and Passion. Discourses in Dispute for the Democratization of the Judiciary in Argentina


  • Cintia Weckesser Universidad Provincial de Córdoba




discourses, strategies, justice, passions, democracy


This paper analyzes strategies of the civil association Justicia Legítima at the moment of its emergence, from a theoretical-methodological perspective that combines sociology and discourse analysis, propossed by Mozejko and Costa (2001, 2002, 2007, 2009, 2015). At the end of 2012, a new debate on justice in Argentina was installed in a process of great media visibility, in which Justicia Legítima got public notoriety and showed affinity to the central government, promoting public debate on judicial reform. We start from the assumption that the strategies of this agent combines the configuration of a legitimate enunciator, the construction of a legitimate problem and a particular recipient who goes through different passional states; and that such strategies are understandable in particular social conditions in which this collective social agent was configured. The analysis showed that the social agent constructed an enunciator that assumed the political condition of the judicial function. At the same time, the social agent constructed an enunciatee capable of being part of the transformation process to which he was summoned.


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Author Biography

  • Cintia Weckesser, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba
    Dra. en Semiótica, docente en la cátedra de Semiótica en la Universidad Provincial de Córdoba desde 2015 e integrante del equipo de investigación “Sociedad civil, derechos y políticas de comunicación y cultura” dirigido por Soledad Segura en el CIFFyH (UNC) desde 2014.


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How to Cite

Justice and Passion. Discourses in Dispute for the Democratization of the Judiciary in Argentina. (2019). Recial, 10(15). https://doi.org/10.53971/2718.658x.v10.n15.24851

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