Minor litterature and sense: the machine of expression as event in Gilles Deleuze





Deleuze, Guattari, machine, expression, event


The aim of this article is to question whether the agency of the machine of expression is itself an event. Thus, it is held as main hypothesis that the machine of expression would be the device by which the language would be unfounded, while the possibility of a new emission of singularities would be stablished. So, the agency of the machine of expression would enable a new formalization of enunciation, or an event. As second hypothesis it is also claimed that the expressed by the machinic agency of the minor literature would be the un-formed matter or sense.


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Author Biography

  • Felipe A. Matti, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

    Becario doctoral UCA - CONICET


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How to Cite

Minor litterature and sense: the machine of expression as event in Gilles Deleuze. (2024). Recial, 15(25), 205-226. https://doi.org/10.53971/2718.658x.v15.n25.45631

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