Intermediality and Immersion: A Reading of Robertita
intermediality, immersion, Robertita, roommates, remediationAbstract
The objective of the following work is to elaborate a reading of Robertita's Roommates based on the concepts of intermediality and immersion. This operation will allow us to question, for the present, the centrality of the medial specification hypothesis typical of formalism. In the first place, we will examine the intermedial references to analyze the operations in which the novel performs a figuration of the subjective effect of the new information technologies. Secondly, beginning with the intermedial character of the work (text, image, music), we will argue that this mixture in the structure of the work seeks to produce a remediation of the language of cinema, introducing a particular immersion, of a temporary and emotional nature. Finally, a call is made to elaborate new theoretical-critical vocabularies to respond to the singularity of these artistic events. We propose the figure of the intermedial critic to refer to that critic who, without losing his philological or discourse analysis training, delves into new languages and knowledges.
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