La subversión del relato en La muerte de un hombrecito


  • Lucia Feuillet Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



literary technique, crime, social-relations, fiction


In this paper we analyze the novel La muerte de un hombrecito, written by Juan Carlos Martelli, from the point of view of literary technique from the construction of the narrative voice. The text in question is structured on the basis of reflection on the working tool of the writer, language as means of literary production. The inability to build a monadic true, the unveiling of the fictional character of every story, the strategies underlying the literary hoax, are some of the writing problems that develops a narrator's as bourgeois as criminal. The chairman of a winery attracted to the underworld of crime will be the voice that structures the fiction upon ambiguity, putting at risk the reader's confidence in the omnipotence of narrative figure. This analysis that tries to think of literature as production or practice is linked to a reading of the detective genre from the concept of crime as social production branch, to deploy the meanings of literary works in terms of their "living social connections" (Benjamin, 2012) . Thus, the organizations that support the national legal and illegal businesses in the moment the dictatorship ends set the coordinates of a crime narration crossed by betrayal at both the history and construction of discourse.


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Author Biography

  • Lucia Feuillet, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
    Lic. en Letras Modernas. Doctoranda en Letras en la FFyH-UNC. Becaria de CONICET-IDH. Integra equipos de investigación “Escritura, género, otredad e identidad…” dirigido por Jorge Bracamonte y María del Carmen Marengo y “Políticas de la vida, normalización y proliferación de monstruos…”, dirigido por María Lidia Fassi (CIFFyH).


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How to Cite

La subversión del relato en La muerte de un hombrecito. (2014). Recial, 5(5-6).

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