About the Journal

The Revista Electrónica de Fuentes y Archivos (Electronic Magazine of Sources and Archives) (REFA) (ISSN 1853-4503) is a virtual publication published since 2010 by the Centro de Estudios Históricos (Centre for Historical Studies) “Prof. Carlos S. A. Segreti” (CEH).

It is devoted to promoting the critical analysis of historiographical productions (local, regional, national and international), attending to the interpretative lines, the approaches and the conceptual referents. It also seeks to reflect on the new ways of questioning sources based on the most recent theoretical-methodological perspectives of the historical discipline, and seeks to give visibility to the documentary heritage housed in different public and private repositories.

It publishes original and unpublished research articles, thematic dossiers and reviews, both from Argentinean and foreign researchers, and in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The articles received are considered by the members of the Editorial Committee for the purposes of its admissibility. If they are admitted, they are subjected to a double-blind evaluation system, with external referees specially convened for the purposes of the assessment.


Envíos de manuscritos


Se informa a los/as autores/as que, a partir del 18 de agosto de 2022, los artículos con pedido de publicación deberán enviarse exclusivamente por correo electrónico a: fuentesyarchivosceh@gmail.com

En el mismo mensaje se adjuntará la “Carta de originalidad”. Es importante que dicho documento se encuentre firmado e incluya todos los datos personales requeridos.

Para mayor información sobre las pautas de presentación, dirigirse a "Envíos".

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Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 15 (2024)

Debates y balances historiográficos

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