A curious figure to seduce: the middle class in the discourse of an anarcho-bolshevik magazine.


  • Cintia Manocchi Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Argentina


Speech, Anarcho-Bolshevik, Context, Middle class


Will make a semantic and pragmatic analysis of the speech to the middle class from the magazine Quasimodo in november 1921. Recognize the functions performed by the speech act in particular, the discursive strategies and the circumstances surrounding it, whether linked to the ideological imprint of the publication or the socio-historical context. In this sence, we distinguish three parts in the analysis: the social upheaval of the moment, the anarcho-Bolshevik orientation of the magazine and, especially, the characteristics assigned by the narrator to the middle class. We stress that the ultimate purpose of the speech was to make this class in an agent of social change in favor of the proletariat.


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How to Cite

A curious figure to seduce: the middle class in the discourse of an anarcho-bolshevik magazine. (2011). Revista Electrónica De Fuentes Y Archivos, 2, 133-139. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/refa/article/view/34231