Photographs in the construction of historical knowledge knowledge: uses, limits and potentialities. Theoretical-methodological reflections based on the presentation of the work in progress of the "Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Research and Preservation of
Photography, history, documentary analysis of photographs, UruguayAbstract
Since its invention in the nineteen thirties, photography has grown steadily. However, social scientists and researchers still use images as illustrations to their texts, which they generally build upon other primary sources. Because of this, we do not have specific methodologies and systematic strategies to analyze and decode photographic images, considering both their material and symbolic aspects. In addition, research on the damages due to the passage of time and inconvenient storage conditions is still scarce. This paper offers theoretical and methodological perspective on the possibility of building historical knowledge upon photographic documents, based on evidence from an ongoing project on the preservation and revalorization of the photographic heritage in Uruguay.
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