Autonomía y debate universitario:

¿«Pensar la universidad» o retórica universitarista?


  • Carolina Scotto Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Reform, University, University rhetoric


18th Reform built on the constitutive myth of the contemporary Córdoba identity and is part of the identity epic and cultural capital  of Latin American public universities. This epic has been especially rich in meaning for the public universities of our country and for  those of us who are part of their community. In this essay, I want to deal with one of those meanings, more precisely with a  reformist syntagma that is not usually identified as such, but which, I believe, should be included in its meta-programmatic legacy  because it involves all the others. To summarize, it is imperative, addressed to university communities, to take upon themselves the  task of «thinking the university», that is, of constantly rethinking and transforming it. I will also characterize some indicators that  show how this task has been displaced or obstructed, compromising in one way or another the strength of the reformist university,  that is, its capacity to transform itself. 


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How to Cite

Autonomía y debate universitario:: ¿«Pensar la universidad» o retórica universitarista?. (2024). Estudios Digital, 52, 13-30.