Percepciones de los docentes del aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio en el proceso educativo .Córdoba


  • María Eva Peralta
  • María Celeste Roggia


teachers, pandemic, isolation, crisis, uncertainty.


Introduction in the current year 2020, humanity was faced with a particular situation of Pandemic due to the Covid19 coronavirus. The total interruption of face-to-face classes, at all levels,
and the shift to virtual as a teaching mode, placed teachers and students in the world of virtuality, building new mechanisms to ensure the continuation of the learning process. The objective
was to determine what are the teachers’ perceptions of social, preventive and compulsory isolation in the educational process. Cordoba. Method exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional
study. Primary source. A survey was used that was designed with the tool of a Google Form.
Sample (n = 85), for statistical analysis Google Forms and Google Analytics Reports. Results
85 teacher surveys were received. Of which 12.5% work at the initial level, 11.8% at the primary level, 42.4% at the secondary level, 15.3% at the tertiary level, and another 17.6%. Of
the total of those surveyed, 35.3% affirm that they felt accompanied by the different measures
taken by their superiors, 51.8% say they felt partially accompanied. In relation to flexibility,
4.7% affirm they had to do it in the evaluation method, 5.9% the proposed objectives, 11.8%
the assignment of tasks, and 76.5% throughout the process. Regarding the adaptation of the
students, they fell between point 2 and 4, with point 3 being of greater relevance with 63.5%.
Point 2 received 23.5% and 4 12.9%. Conclusions teachers expressed being able to adapt to
the new system and felt accompanied by their colleagues and partially accompanied by their
superiors. They were flexible to the adjustments of the educational task and according to their
perception the students partially adapted

Author Biographies

  • María Eva Peralta

    Esp. Lic. en Psicología Clínica. Fundación Instituto Universitario en Ciencias de los Sistemas Humanos

  • María Celeste Roggia

    Esp. Lic. en Psicología Clínica. Fundación Instituto Universitario en Ciencias de los Sistemas
    Humanos (FUNDAIF)


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How to Cite

Percepciones de los docentes del aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio en el proceso educativo .Córdoba. (2020). Crear En Salud, 14.