Experiences of undergraduate nurding licentiate course students during the adoption of the 2018 undergraduate currriculum


  • María de los Angeles Arce Lic. en Enfermería. Trabaja de Asesora Comercial. Educación Tecnológica para niños y jóvenes de Latinoamérica. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-3056-5411
  • Darío Gastón Cuello Lic. en Enfermería. Trabaja en Dinosaurio Moll. S.A. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0006-2162-0526
  • Elías Ezequiel Mamar Lic. en Enfermería. Trabaja en Sanatorio de la Cañada. Córdoba. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-0007-2074


Keywords: Transition - Adaptation - Experiences - Curriculum - Nursing students


Introduction: The curricular change at the education level affects aspects of the individual as a whole. It is for this reason that a variety of emotions and sensations emerge when dealing with the experiences of fifth year students of the undergraduate Nursing Licentiate course at the National University of Córdoba after the transition to the 2018 curriculum. Throughout this research, this topic will be further elaborated together with the way in which the students experienced the transition process, taking into account the settings that preceded and succeeded this change. Objective: To inquire into the experiences of students after the transition to the 2018 curriculum in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, during the year 2022. Methodology: A qualitative study on the methodological perspective of phenomenology was carried out. Seven open-ended interviews were made taking into account the participant observation, which allowed the collection of descriptive data about the students’ experiences. Results: The findings on the perceptions of the interviewees coincide with the created dimensions, which are experiences of previous settings, experiences of the transition itself, experiences after the transition and individual experiences. The previous results satisfied the proposed specific objectives of this research. Conclusion: The present study gave an account of the students’ experiences regarding the curricular change; in this way, the studied population’s vulnerability gained visibility. The feelings found in the experiences previous to the transition process were,
on the one hand, enthusiasm and satisfaction and, on the other hand, uncertainty and exhaustion. Then, during the transition process, the most relevant feelings were enthusiasm, exhaustion and anger. Lastly, as for the experiences after the transition process, the feelings found were the same as those of the transition itself, that is, enthusiasm, exhaustion and anger.


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How to Cite

Experiences of undergraduate nurding licentiate course students during the adoption of the 2018 undergraduate currriculum. (2023). Crear En Salud, 20. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revcs/article/view/42582