The use of social networks for scientific diffusion and Astronomy teaching


  • Paulo Roberto Gomes Silva Filho Programa de Pós-Graduação em História das Ciências, Técnicas e Epistemologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
  • Maria Letícia Galluzzi Programa de Pós-Graduação em História das Ciências, Técnicas e Epistemologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.



Astronomy, Collaborative teaching, Scientific diffusion, Social networks, Electromagnetic waves


The COVID-19 pandemics led to the migration of teaching classes to remote learning, requiring adaptation to digital tools. The teaching
of Astronomic and Electromagnetic Waves is challenging, due to the fact that it encompasses complex contents, abstract thought and
analytical skills, which together call for high motivation and deep scientific contents by the part of the student. Since the digital culture
and social platforms are such important components of the everyday lives of the students, they take part in their cognitive grasp, and
thus, the authors chose to aggregate them to the learning process through curated posts on Instagram constructed by the students. It
facilitated great educational results, participation, motivation and sense of autonomy by the students, who belonged to a middle-class
private high school. It also propitiated scientific diffusion, with the students expressing themselves in and for the society. The whole
process allowed for interesting debates between teacher-student, student-student, and teacher-teacher, relevant steps towards the
virtualization of methodologies involving Astronomic and Electromagnetic Waves.


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Investigación en Enseñanza de la Física

How to Cite

The use of social networks for scientific diffusion and Astronomy teaching. (2021). Journal of Physics Teaching, 33(2), 259-265.