Investigative teaching practice within the framework of Comprehensive Environmental Education in the initial training of Physics teachers


  • Lucía Iuliani Instituto de Formación Docente y Técnica N° 114 “Tupac Amaru II”
  • Ana González Instituto de Formación Docente y Técnica N° 114 “Tupac Amaru II”



Initial teacher training, Research teaching practice, Comprehensive Environmental Education, Science, Technology, Society and Environment, Professional teaching skills


This work presents an articulated experience of integration between fourth-year training spaces for Physics teachers, I.S.F.D.yT. No. 114 “Tupac Amaru II” with an investigative nature. It involves design, implementation in residences and didactic analysis of situated training proposals, based on working with problems, in particular, conflicts and socio-scientific problems in a socio-cultural perspective of learning. Aspects of Comprehensive Environmental Education (EAI) and the Science, Technology, Society and Environment (CTSyA) approach are included with the intention of contextualizing the Physics contents to be developed in the teaching practices of the students. It aims at a reflective, investigative construction of professional teaching knowledge, particularizing the didactic incorporation of experimental devices in the framework of school science. The objective is the protagonism of students in initial teacher training and to consider perspectives in the continuous training of graduates, aiming at the consolidation of a community of teaching practice


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How to Cite

Investigative teaching practice within the framework of Comprehensive Environmental Education in the initial training of Physics teachers. (2024). Journal of Physics Teaching, 36, 207-215.