History of the Journal
The Revista de Educación en Biología (Journal of Education in Biology) is a periodical publication of the Asociación de Docentes de Biología de la Argentina - A.D.Bi.A - a non-profit civil association dedicated to Education in Biology at both formal and non-formal educational system levels. The first issue was published in 1997 and since that date, uninterruptedly, two issues are published annually. It was published in print until 2011, and from 2010 it began to be published online. From 2012 the magazine is published in the OJS system and since 2018 is part of the Portal of Journals of the National University of Cordoba. As of 2021, it will be published at the beginning of each semester and each article will have a persistent Archival Resource Key (ARK) identifier.

Theme and Scope of the Journal
The REB aims to contribute to the quality of education in Biology, covering various areas of the educational field, both formal and informal; thus articles are published ranging from the infant level to the postgraduate university. The journal has two main purposes:
1. To contribute to educational improvement by promoting the construction of scientific and school knowledge related to the teaching of natural sciences in general, and of biology in particular, creating networks and spaces for the exchange of didactic research and/or educational experiences.
2. Establish interactions among readers, authors, researchers and educators to foster scientific literacy that promotes educational inclusion and cultural democratization of the countries of the region and the world.

The REB is structured in the following sections:
Editorial: it is in charge of the editorial team and through these pages current topics are dealt with, whether they are policy, research and/or educational innovation.
Articles: papers submitted to this section may include: Educational research and/or developments derived from it. The article should contain the problem being investigated, research objectives, methodology used, theoretical framework, results achieved and conclusions of the work. Essays, reflections, theoretical contributions that support various aspects of biology education. Case studies containing educational proposals in the area of biological sciences, implemented in formal and non-formal spaces. The article should include the context in which the experience was carried out, as well as the stages of implementation, the results achieved, and the evaluation of the implementation. Reviews of background research on a systematized and categorized research topic. All articles included in this section are double-blind peer-reviewed.
Thesis: Includes summaries of undergraduate and postgraduate theses related to education in Biology, which have been defended in the last two years.
Interviews: Presents dialogues with specialists on current topics. Revisions, reviews and comments: Contains analyses, summaries, project reviews, articles, web pages, educational software, books, didactic materials, pertinent to the area of education in Biology.

Reviews and comments: Contains analyses, summaries, critiques of projects, articles, Web pages, educational software, books, didactic materials, pertinent to the area of Biology education. 
ADBiA - Information and News: contains information related to the association as well as events, congresses, conferences on educational topics, natural sciences, biological, etc.

Revision Policy
The REB only publishes original articles in Spanish or Portuguese, on topics related to biology education, which are inscribed in any of the sections mentioned above.

Articles submitted for publication will be previously examined by the editorial team to analyze their possible suitability to the profile of the journal. Those articles that fit the profile are submitted to a double-blind review process by two evaluators who do not belong to the editorial team. According to the subject matter of the articles and in order to guarantee a revision according to specific areas of knowledge, the reviewers may or may not belong to the advisory board of the journal. In all cases the evaluators will be specialists in the subject of recognized academic trajectory.

The evaluation period is set at two months.

Revision guidelines

The review guidelines provide reviewers with criteria for judging whether a submission is suitable for the journal, as well as special instructions for preparing an effective and useful review.

To prepare your article use the Template.

Code of ethics

Originality: The authors of manuscripts sent to the Revista de Educación en Biología (Journal of Education in Biology) assure that the work is original; that it does not contain parts of other authors or of other works already published by the authors. In addition, they affirm the veracity of data and of all empirical information that the article contains.

Avoid repetitions: The author should not publish articles that repeat the same results in more than one scientific journal.

Sources consulted: The author must always cite, according to the journal's rules, the sources consulted and the contributions mentioned in each article.

Authorship: all the people who contributed to the intellectual construction process should be included, both in the planning of the work, the collection and interpretation of the information, as well as in the conceptualizations exposed in the article.

Access and retention: If the Editorial Board considers it appropriate, the authors of the articles must also make available the sources or data on which the research is based, which can be kept for a reasonable period of time after the publication and possibly become accessible.

Conflict of interest and divulgation: all the authors  are obliged to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.

Responsibility: all the authors accept responsibility for the content of the article. They undertake that an updated and relevant bibliographic review of the subject of the article has been carried out.

Plagiarism detection

The persons in charge of each section that make up the Editorial Committee will submit the manuscript to review and search in the web of other publications of the authors, title, abstract, results, conceptualizations, for the comparison and verification of similarities of contents, to verify the originality of the same and to identify the presence of possible faults against intellectual property, including inadequate or altered citation and self-plagiarism, using specific software (for example: Turnitin). 

Protection policy of the journal

The Revista de Educación en Biología (Journal of Education in Biology) is a periodical publication of the Asociación de Docentes de Biología de la Argentina - A.D.Bi.A -  is housed in the Repository of Journals of the National University of Córdoba, a site intended for the university community so that all its Scientific, Academic and Cultural contents are disseminated in free and open access   https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/

The publication of articles has no economic cost for authors. The REB is a project of the ADBiA (Asociaciación de Docentes de Biología de la Argentina).