Some Clues to Think the Integration of ICT in Teaching

Main Article Content

Rosanna Forestello


This article is organized into three parts: in the first one, on one hand, we explicitlystate our position to analyze ICT as cultural objects and, on the other, we conduct a concisecharacterization of the changing context and the digital culture surrounding us. In thesecond part, we would like to briefly regain some definitions as from which we understandthe profession of teaching. Finally, we identify some analytical categories from educationaland teaching technology fields that, interpreted in the present historical stage, we need toconsider to promote new ways of being a teacher, teaching and building the profession withthe incorporation of ICT in teaching.

Article Details

How to Cite
Some Clues to Think the Integration of ICT in Teaching. (2013). Journal of Biology Education, 16(1), (pp. 7-14).
Author Biography

Rosanna Forestello

Departamento de Enseñanza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas,Físicas y Naturales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

How to Cite

Some Clues to Think the Integration of ICT in Teaching. (2013). Journal of Biology Education, 16(1), (pp. 7-14).