The role of zoos and their contribution to the education for the conservation of biodiversity

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Gabriela Gorritti
Javier Origlia


Museums, botanical gardens, natural parks and zoos constituted a new educational scenario. Nowadays, they are conceived as a complement of the traditional educative institutions since they generate a learning space that involves teachers, students and the society in general. Proposals generated at a zoological park concerning to biodiversity conservation and the different strategies to deal with this problem are given in this paper. Activities of extension, divulgation and active participation of the community are detailed here. Educator of zoo and teacher share experiences and knowledge emerged in the scope of the conservationist activity.

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How to Cite
The role of zoos and their contribution to the education for the conservation of biodiversity. (2009). Journal of Biology Education, 11(2), 39-42.
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How to Cite

The role of zoos and their contribution to the education for the conservation of biodiversity. (2009). Journal of Biology Education, 11(2), 39-42.