The answers of the students of the Cycle of Specialization on evolutionary themes, and their relation with theological and anthropomorphic conceptions

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Gonzalo M. A. Bermúdez
Ana María Jalil


Two peculiar explanations are used in Biological Sciences besides the causal one: teleological and anthropomorphic formulations.  Teleological explanation considers the result of a phenomenon as the main reason of its occurrence, while the latest takes into account the assignment of human reasoning to entities that are not. The aim of this study was, on the one hand, to determine if the Lamarckian responses about evolutionary processes are related to teleological and anthropomorphic conceptions, and vice versa; and on the other hand, if the course, sex and knowledge declared by students about evolutionary and physiological issues correlates with them. It is also discussed this relationship and the didactic emerging consequence.

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The answers of the students of the Cycle of Specialization on evolutionary themes, and their relation with theological and anthropomorphic conceptions. (2006). Journal of Biology Education, 9(2), 17-28.
Fundamentos e Investigaciones

How to Cite

The answers of the students of the Cycle of Specialization on evolutionary themes, and their relation with theological and anthropomorphic conceptions. (2006). Journal of Biology Education, 9(2), 17-28.


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