Analysis of Epistemological Obstacles in Learning Vegetal Reproductive Biology from Evidence-Based Educational Practices

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Diego Suárez Vespa
Julieta Revetria


The following work bases its analysis and description on the evidence obtained from a study, in which the conceptions related to the biological cycles of plants were collected from students of Biological Sciences in Uruguay.  A data collection instrument was designed and applied to analyze the incidence of preconceptions in the understanding of reproductive cycles and to recognize causal correlations. At an exploratory level, "botanical illiteracy" was found, whose epistemic root identifies assumptions from zoology or human biology, which constitute an obstacle to understanding reproductive biology from a complex perspective.

Article Details

How to Cite
Analysis of Epistemological Obstacles in Learning Vegetal Reproductive Biology from Evidence-Based Educational Practices. (2023). Journal of Biology Education, 26(1), 50-67.
Author Biographies

Diego Suárez Vespa, Administración Nacional de Educación Pública

Profesor del Consejo de Educación Secundaria

Julieta Revetria, Consejo de Formación en Educación

Magister Docencia de la Educación Media con énfasis en Ciencias Naturales, egresada de la Universidad CLAEH Montevideo Uruguay. Profesora de Ciencias Biológicas egresada del Instituto de Profesores Artigas. Docente efectiva del curso de Educación Para la Salud  en el Instituto de Profesores Artigas (ANEP-CFE)

How to Cite

Analysis of Epistemological Obstacles in Learning Vegetal Reproductive Biology from Evidence-Based Educational Practices. (2023). Journal of Biology Education, 26(1), 50-67.


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