A look from the participants of the Argentine Biology Olympiad

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H. Reinoso


The influence of the Argentinc Biology Olympiad (0A13) un the university elcction by the students in analysed. Rcsults showed thai OAB contributes significanlly un thai choice. The 83% of the students chose careers related tu the Biological Sciences. They expressed thai the fact tu compite in the Olympiad positively inlluericed in their acadcmic yield. Thcy remarked that their participation allowed thetn tu develop their synthesis capacity and tu gel mm effectivc study methodology. Another aspect named as valuablc is the opportunity thai OAB gives tu share activitics and experiences among teen-agers of the whole country.

Article Details

How to Cite
Reinoso, H. (2000). A look from the participants of the Argentine Biology Olympiad. Journal of Biology Education, 3(2), 44-46. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v3.n2.40286
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How to Cite

Reinoso, H. (2000). A look from the participants of the Argentine Biology Olympiad. Journal of Biology Education, 3(2), 44-46. https://doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v3.n2.40286

