Preliminaries to the Spanish translation of the German Penal Code and subsequent amendments (General Part)


  • Marcelo Finzi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


German Criminal Code, Finzi, translation, spanish


Explanatory presentation by Professor Marcelo Finzi.

Author Biography

  • Marcelo Finzi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Marcello Finzi was born in Ferrara, in Emilia Romagna, on December 1, 1879. He completed his early legal training at the university of his hometown, under the guidance of the great criminal lawyer Vincenzo Manzini. Between 1905 and 1938 he taught Criminal Law and Procedure at the universities of Ferrara, Bolinia, Siena and Modena. He was Dean of the Faculty of Law of Ferrara from 1920 to 1925. Finzi arrived in Argentina in 1939. Immediately after his arrival in Buenos Aires, Finzi moved to Cordoba, where he was appointed professor of the Police School of the Province. In September 1940, in the Faculty of Law of our National University, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Enrique Martínez Paz, the Institute of Comparative Law was inaugurated, with five sections, one of which was Criminal Law, with Sebastián Soler as Head and Marcello Finzi as Secretary. He passed away on October 4, 1956.


    National Academy of Law and Social Sciences of Córdoba (2018). Brief biographical sketch of the jurists Marcello Finzi and Corrado A. Finzi



HERMANN LUCAS, Anleitung zur strafrechtlichen Praxis (Introducción a la práctica jurídico-penal), Segunda parte, pág. 5 (2•. edición, Berlín, 1907).

Strafgesetzbuch für das Deutsche Reich (Código Penal para el Reich alemán). Edición vigésima octava, revisada por EDUARD KOHLRAUSCH (Berlín y Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Ca., 1928).

La legislación alemana de guerra se publica en fascículos: Deutsches Kriesgsrecht herausgegeben von Dr. WERNER HOCHE (Berlín, Editor Francisco Vahlen, 1939 y sigtes)

Colección de las Instituciones Políticas y Jurídicas de los Pueblos Modernos, dirigida su publicación y anotada por el Exemo. Sr. D. VICENTE ROMERO GIRON y Don ALEJO GARCIA MORENO. Tomo segundo. Instituciones de Alemania. Madrid, 1885. Establecimiento Tipográfico de J. Gong ora. Ancha de San Bernardo, número 85.







How to Cite

Preliminaries to the Spanish translation of the German Penal Code and subsequent amendments (General Part). (1944). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 31(1), 121-133.