Comparison between quasi-homologous agroclimates in the province of Córdoba based on risk attributes

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Antonio De la Casa


Different agroclimatic classifications show a homogeneous behavior in the semiarid lands of Córdoba Province. This is the situation between Río II County and Río IV County, which, despite sharing some similar agroclimatic characteristics, present differences in relation to the productivity of cereal crops and the associated risk of extensive agriculture. A methodology to compare the productivity behavior between both counties is proposed for corn and sorghum crops, using an agroclimatic index that integrates the available effective rainy period. The major agricultural risk factor at Río II is amplified through a smaller intercept due to a higher number of failed cycles and a greater dependence on the availability of effective rainfall to ensure higher yields. Significant statistical differences were observed between both counties for both crops, but sorghum showed the most independent behavior regarding the hydrologic input.

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Comparison between quasi-homologous agroclimates in the province of Córdoba based on risk attributes. (1993). AgriScientia, 10, 55-61.

How to Cite

Comparison between quasi-homologous agroclimates in the province of Córdoba based on risk attributes. (1993). AgriScientia, 10, 55-61.


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