Estimating Late Holocene health from Cordoba´s Central Highlands end Eastern Lowland populations (Argentina). A dental anthropology approach
dental bioindicators, health, southern Sierras Pampeanas region, BioarchaeologyAbstract
The aim of this work is to study, from a bioarchaeological perspective, the health conditions of the populations that inhabited the southern portion of the Sierras Pampeanas region (Córdoba province) by the Late Holocene (ca. 2500- 400 years BP), through the analysis of three non-specific indicators of stress and infectious diseases: hypoplasia of dental enamel, abscesses, and antemortem teeth loss. The sample is composed by 80 adult individuals from 48 archaeological sites. We calculated the relative prevalence of those variables by sex, age, geographic sub regions, and chronological periods. Possible significant differences between subsamples were tested using the Chi-square test. Results suggest that human populations of the Sierras Centrales suffered deterioration in health conditions at later late Holocene, principally among young and middle age adults. This can be observed in the whole region but is more marked in the Northeast and Traslasierra sub regions.Downloads
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