Party, sexual dissidence and community in the post-pandemic era



Party, Community, Feminism, Pandemic, Performance


Based on an empirical description of the practice Entrenar la fiesta by Grupo ORGIE and a genealogical approach to the meaning of the festival in the history of Western dance, the following article proposes three possible interpretations. First, we argue that the performance conducts a disruptive political intervention on the moral economy of affects. In this sense, it engages in a reflection on the festival as a political ritual opposed to the symbolic apparatus of representation. However, Entrenar la fiesta goes beyond the sense of a demonstration on behalf of sexual minorities to propose new ways of understanding life in common through a choreographic experience.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Ignacio Vallejos, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Es Doctor en Historia y Máster en Ciencias Sociales por la EHESS de París. Su investigación gira en torno a la relación entre danza, performance y política desde un enfoque histórico y teórico crítico. Es Investigador Adjunto del CONICET, coordinador del Área de Investigaciones en Artes Performáticas del Instituto de Artes del Espectáculo de la UBA y Profesor Adjunto de la Lic. en Composición Coreográfica de la Universidad Provincial de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Party, sexual dissidence and community in the post-pandemic era. (2023). Avances, 32, 367-382.