educational inclusion, university, students with disabilitiesAbstract
The article will address, in the context of a research carried out at the National University of Río Cuarto, the educational reality of the inclusion of students with disabilities from the voices of actors involved in different management positions. To do this, in principle the proposed objectives will be explained, as well as the methodology assumed to carry out the study. Subsequently, returning in a general way to the construction of the categories developed from the analysis of the data, an attempt will be made to understand and explain the reality of this group, presenting partial progress of the research that is still in progress and is in the analytical stages of empirical evidence and the construction of theorizations in this regard.
Likewise, we can advance as an essential principle that emerges in said evidence, the conviction in reaffirming that the responsibility that the State and national universities must assume to guarantee equality of opportunities and conditions in access, continuity, and graduation for each student, is undoubtedly an axis that is not under discussion, although it is also evident that good intentions and good policies are not enough, that it is necessary to materialize in practice these precepts that, sometimes, encounter difficulties in their implementation.
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