
  • Paola Andrea Barrio Instituto de Educación Superior Eduardo Lefebvre
  • Carla Vanesa Miguel Instituto de Educación Superior Eduardo Lefebvre
  • Agustín Fernando Orihuela Instituto de Educación Superior Eduardo Lefebvre


higher level research, teacher training, pedagogical link, learning experience, research practices


This article focuses on the research process that involved launching the project entitled “The pedagogical link in Teacher Training: the case of third-year teachers and students of the IES Eduardo Lefèbvre de Laboulaye, during 2021, in the context of health emergency”. The project turns out to be approved in the 2021 Call for Research Projects, launched by the National Institute for Teacher Training (INFoD).

The research work gave an account of the characteristics that the pedagogical link acquired in the aspects: relational, didactic and the use of ICTs, in teachers and students who passed the 3rd year in the 2021 school year within the framework of bimodality in the IES Eduardo Lefebvre, located in the city of Laboulaye. In the research carried out, it was possible to observe that in the absence of physical co-presence as an outstanding characteristic of the pedagogical bond as we knew it, new forms of the relationship between students and teachers arise within the framework of an incipient bimodality.

In the section called “Findings”, the main data found and answers to the questions formulated in the research carried out are presented. Here, the absence of physical co-presence in a situation of teaching in the DiSPO context stands out, and features of a distance between teaching and learning in this context are evident.

Finally, a reflection is offered on research as a learning process, as work that shapes a particular pedagogical experience and affirms research as a necessary territory in the higher education of teachers.

Author Biographies

  • Paola Andrea Barrio, Instituto de Educación Superior Eduardo Lefebvre

    Licenciada en Sociología (Universidad Nacional de Villa María). Maestra en Artes Plásticas (Escuela Provincial de Artes Visuales “Luz Vieira Méndez”). Profesora del IES “Eduardo Lefèbvre de Laboulaye”. Profesora de la Escuela de Artes Visuales “Luz Vieira Méndez”. Docente de nivel medio en el IPEM N.° 90 “Juana Manuela Gorriti”. Líneas de investigación: ciencias de la educación, ciencias sociales.

  • Carla Vanesa Miguel, Instituto de Educación Superior Eduardo Lefebvre

    Licenciada en Sociología (Universidad Nacional de Villa María). Diplomada en Ciencias Sociales y Educación (Fundación Universitaria, Universidad Popular La Pichón, CABA). Profesora del IES “Eduardo Lefèbvre de Laboulaye”. Líneas de investigación: sociología de la educación, ciencias de la educación, sociología de las sensibilidades, el cuerpo y las emociones.

  • Agustín Fernando Orihuela, Instituto de Educación Superior Eduardo Lefebvre

    Profesor de Educación Secundaria en Historia (Instituto de Enseñanza Superior “Eduardo Lefèbvre de Laboulaye”). Docente de nivel medio en el IPEM N.° 102 “Juan Ángel Vezie” Anexo Rosales. Líneas de investigación: ciencias de la educación, ciencias sociales.


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How to Cite

EDUCATIONAL LINK AND BIMODALITY: RESEARCH TERRITORY AND LEARNING EXPERIENCES. (2024). Educación, formación E investigación, 10(17), 45-58.