The River as God of the Plains. On the Fluvial Poetics of Historias extraordinarias by Mariano Llinás

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Jörg Dünne


This article aims at analyzing how the film Historias extraordinarias by Mariano Llinás (2008) deconstructs foundational fictions of the Argentine pampa as a desert both in geopolitical and geopoetical terms. Such a view is developed, instead of being based on the figuration of the pampa as a desert, from a liminal fluvial landscape, a transitional space between the aquatic and the terrestrial. Llinás questions not only the project of the construction of fluvial canals as a "straight line to progress", inspired by a vision of the civilizing process as expressed by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. Starting from the literary model of the European novel of adventures, whose classic features can be found, for example, in the representation of the Argentine pampas as a flooded space in novels by Daniel Defoe and Jules Verne, Llinás also subverts the traditional narrative model of the adventure plot that grants agency exclusively to human actors. In the episode that has as its central event the flooding of the Salado River in the story of H and César, Historias extraordinarias develops an alternative poetics that sees in the river and its uncontrollable dynamics the true central actor, the "god of our plain," as Llinás himself describes it in a note to the film’s script.


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How to Cite
Dünne, J. (2022). The River as God of the Plains. On the Fluvial Poetics of Historias extraordinarias by Mariano Llinás. Heterotopías, 5(10), 112-127.
Author Biography

Jörg Dünne, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Jörg Dünne holds a chair of Romance Literatures at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany). He studied Romance literatures, comparative literature and philosophy in Munich and Paris and holds a Master of Arts degree from the University of Paris VIII (1994); in 2000, he received his PhD from the University of Kiel with a thesis on the relationship between ascetic subjectivity and writing in French literature (Asketisches Schreiben, publ. 2003), in 2008, he completed his habilitation thesis to conduct research at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich with a monograph on the cartographic imagination in early modern literature in Spanish and Portuguese (Die kartographische Imagination, publ. 2011); from 2009 to 2017 he has been full professor of Romance Literatures at the University of Erfurt. 

He has published several monographic studies, edited books and articles in German, French, Spanish and English; main authors and research topics are: Miguel de Cervantes, Jules Verne, Gustave Flaubert, Argentine and Latin American literature of the 20 th and 21 st centuries; theory of cultural space (among other studies, he is co-editor of an anthology on spatial theory [Raumtheorie, publ. 2008] and a handbook on literature and space [Handbuch Literatur & Raum, publ. 2015]); cartography and literature since early modernity; history, geology and spectacularity in 19 th - and 20 th -century literature; literatures in the Anthropocene. In the academic year of 2022, he is a Senior Fellow at the Merian Center “Mecila” in São Paulo with a research project on street dogs and interspecific convivialities. He is also working on a book about river spaces in Argentine literature and cinema.


How to Cite

Dünne, J. (2022). The River as God of the Plains. On the Fluvial Poetics of Historias extraordinarias by Mariano Llinás. Heterotopías, 5(10), 112-127.


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