Democratization of the internationalization of higher education: contributions from CRES 2018
Democratization, Internationalization, Higher Education, Latin America and the Caribbean, CRESAbstract
The article seeks to understand the democratization process of the internationalization of higher education and the possible contributions of the III Regional Conference on Higher Education for Latin America and the Caribbean (CRES, 2018) in this process. Therefore, authors from different areas of knowledge are presented as relevant interlocutors to discuss the interconnection between the concepts of democratization and internationalization of higher education. For the methodology, bibliographical research was used to analyze reference works on the research themes in the first part of the article. As in the second part of the article, document research was carried out through the CRES 2018 Declaration and Action Plan content analysis. The results indicate that the CRES 2018 Declaration and Action Plan outlined an interesting path to discuss the internationalization of higher education, mainly through the promotion of government public policies that foster equal opportunities; the positioning of diversity as representative of the interculturality of the Latin American and Caribbean region; the support of a solidary and horizontal regional integration and university social responsibility as a form of transformation and emancipation of peoples.
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