Memory as the common thread of indigenous narratives



Brazilian indigenous narratives, memory, sequestration of indigenous literature, Brazilian literary system, education


With the entrance of the indigenous people in the schools and their presence in other places of communication, their tales, their prayers, their chants and other narrative forms of their oral tradition began to be written by themselves. In relation to indigenous literary writing itself, their today’s stories are narratives of a cultural, historical and testimonial nature, with the struggles and social obstacles of the past and present, marked by the presence of collective memory. In view of the need to introduce the indigenous theme in Brazil and all the problems it involves, in this text we will bring to discussion aspects related to indigenous culture, history, education and literature in its relationship with the same aspects in its non-indigenous side. To achieve this first objective, we use the bibliographic method, using texts about education, writing and indigenous literature (Graúna and Guesse), anthropology (Baniwa and Ribeiro) and reading reception (Adichie and Iser), concluding on the need of stories to be told/narrated, heard and read from other perspectives than that postulated by non-indigenous. In addition, this text will analyze how the indigenous narrators use memory to represent their ancestral experiences, having as analysis corpora O Karaíba, uma história do pré-Brasil by Daniel Munduruku, in view of its pedagogical function especially with the non-indigenous public, claiming the need to tell another story of the "discovery" of Brazil, this time through the eyes of the subjects, the indigenous, who were already on the land where the Portuguese arrived, and the story A mulher que virou tatu/ Yuxabu yaixni organized by Eliane Camargo, first passing through the "sequestration" of indigenous narratives of the Brazilian literary system and also part of Brazilian history. To support our reading, we will use, especially, the postulates of Campos, Candido, Jecupé, Krenak and Potiguara.


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Author Biographies

  • Rosana Cristina Zanelatto Santos, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)/CNPq/FUNDECT-MS

    Graduated in Letters/Araraquara Campus from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1989), Master in Letters (Portuguese Literature) from Universidade de São Paulo (1995), PhD in Letters (Portuguese Literature) from Universidade de São Paulo (1999) and Post-Doctoral Internship at Universidade de Brasília (2017). She is a Full Professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). She has experience in the field of Literature, working mainly on the following subjects: Brazilian Literature, Portuguese Literature, Theory of Literature, Fiction and History, Violence and Horror. She has a Research Productivity Scholarship from CNPq, developing the research entitled "The difficult understanding of memory in Brazilian indigenous literature". She was President (2012-2013) of ABRAPLIP. President of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation to Support Research, Education and Culture (FAPEC) (2018-2021). Current Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation to Support Research, Education and Culture (FAPEC). Vice-Coordinator of ANPOLL's Literature and Teaching WG (2022-2023). She has organized 11 books, as well as collaborating with Brazilian and foreign journals. She has supervised 48 dissertations and 7 theses. She is the leader of the CNPq Research Group "Literary Historiography, Canon and Teaching".

  • José Fernando Rocha Graça, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS)

    Graduated in Languages from the Campo Grande campus of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (2022). He is studying for a Master's degree in the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies (PPGEL) at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, on the theme of ancestry and memory in Afro-Brazilian narratives. She was awarded a scholarship (CNPq) for Scientific Initiation for two years, carrying out research entitled "Memory as a guiding thread in indigenous narratives".


Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi (2019). O perigo de uma história única. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.

Almeida, Marina (2019). Literatura indígena: outros livros, outras histórias do Brasil. Escrevendo o Futuro. Disponível em:

Baniwa, Gersem dos Santos Luciano (2006). O índio brasileiro: o que você precisa saber sobre os povos indígenas no Brasil hoje. Brasília, DF: MEC/UNESCO.

Camargo, Eliane (org.) (2016). A mulher que virou tatu / Yuxabu yaixni. São Paulo: Hedra. Edição bilíngue Caxinauá/português.

Campos, Haroldo de (1989). O sequestro do barroco na formação da literatura brasileira: o caso de Gregório de Mattos. Salvador: FCJA.

Candau, Vera Maria Ferrão; Russo, Kelly (2010). Interculturalidade e educação na América Latina: uma construção plural, original e complexa. Diálogo Educacional, Curitiba, 10(29), 151-169.

Candido, Antonio (2000). Formação da literatura brasileira: momentos decisivos. Belo Horizonte: Editora Itatiaia Ltda.

Chartier, Roger (2012). Literatura e cultura escrita: estabilidade das obras, mobilidade dos textos, pluralidade das leituras. Escola São Paulo de Estudos Avançados. Disponível em:

Graúna, Graça (2012). Literatura indígena no Brasil contemporâneo e outras questões em aberto. Educação & Linguagem, São Paulo, 15(25), 226-276.

Guesse, Érika Bergamasco (2011). Da oralidade à escrita: os mitos e a literatura indígena no Brasil. Anais do SILEL, Uberlândia, EDUFU, 2(2), 1-11.

Iser, Wolfgang (1979). A interação do texto com o leitor. Jauss, Robert et al. A literatura e o leitor. Coord. Luiz Costa Lima. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra.

Iser, Wofgang (1996). O fictício e o imaginário: perspectivas de uma antropologia literária. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ.

Jecupé, Kaká Werá (2020). A terra dos mil povos: história indígena do Brasil contada por um índio. 2. ed. São Paulo: Peirópolis.

Krenak, Ailton (2015). Receber sonhos. Entrevista a Alípio Freire e Eugênio Bucci. Cohn, Sergio (org.). Ailton Krenak. Rio de Janeiro: Azougue.

Munduruku, Daniel (2018). O karaíba, uma história do pré-brasil. São Paulo: Melhoramentos.

Munduruki, Daniel (2015). SescTV – Super Libris – Quando a pena do índio escreve. (27"23'). Disponível em:

Potiguara, Eliane (2016). Itaú Cultural – Encontros de Interrogação. (14"04'). Disponível em:>.

Ribeiro, Darcy (2015). O povo brasileiro. São Paulo: Global.




How to Cite

Memory as the common thread of indigenous narratives. (2023). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 12(24), 13-39.