Displacements of the Fantastic Genre and Refractions of the Political Context in Cortázar and Schweblin’s Short Stories


  • Bruno Fraticelli Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades


Cortázar, Schweblin, fantastic, politics, refraction


In this essay we will present a broad characterization of the fantastic genre that will allow us to investigate the ways in which the various texts that participate in it refract, problematize and interrogate its conditions of production. We will then analyze a series of texts that belong to the first two books of short stories written by Julio Cortázar —from the 20th century— and Samanta Schweblin —from the 21st century—. These pieces of work are not limited to a single interpretation; on the contrary, they allow us to derive numerous meanings. Firstly, we will introduce the canonical plot of the stories of this genre and, then, we will analyze the variations that occur in the short stories of these two great authors of Argentine literature. Furthermore, we will retrieve some classic interpretations of these short stories and we will also read in a different way, so as to consider the fantastic element —in the plots, the knowledge, the characters and the characterizations made by the narrators— and highlight the critical and transformative potential that this genre acquires in moments of profound social transformations.


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How to Cite

Displacements of the Fantastic Genre and Refractions of the Political Context in Cortázar and Schweblin’s Short Stories. (2024). Nota Al Margen, 2(3), 128-140. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/notalmargen/article/view/44657