The Dead Speak: the Battle of the Archive Against the Death Drive (or the Power Drive)


  • Alfonsina Milán Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


archive, material subsistence, subalternity, State, Lubi Prates


This work aims to address an analytical reading of a selection of poems from A Black Body, by Lubi Prates (2021), from critical proposals such as that of Javier Guerrero (2020), Djamila Ribeiro (2020), Grada Kilomba (2019) and other theorists of interest. From this reading, the place of enunciation of racialized subjects who could never pronounce out from subalternity, but have something to say about the conditions of violence and inequality that ended their lives will be discussed; the place occupied by someone who denounces and enunciates from his own voice, but at the same time incorporates the voices of others; and the functionality of an archive that battles against a State -delimited as a drive for power- that seeks to clean up history. To do this, some concepts will be recovered: place of enunciation, archive fever, destruction drive-conservation drive, discourse, State-power, archive and anarchivism.


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How to Cite

The Dead Speak: the Battle of the Archive Against the Death Drive (or the Power Drive). (2024). Nota Al Margen, 2(4), 68-78.