The Epigraphs of Operación Masacre: Rodolfo Walsh and the Soft Quiet Seasons


  • Rodrigo Arenas Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires


contemporary literature, Argentina, canon, archive, literature and reality, non-fiction, autonomy


While he was alive, Rodolfo Walsh tried to keep Operación masacre open to reality, modifying the paratextual apparatus in each edition to  inscribe the text within the political context. Today, the archival work of criticism is necessary to prevent the book, monumentalized by the canon, from losing its ability to “act”. The following article shares this objective with works by Crespo, Hernaiz, Link and Luppi, and aims to achieve it by studying a paratextual element that is not present in current editions: the epigraph that Walsh removed in 1969. Pulling on this thread will allow us, through the tracing of a “physical-subjective path”, to access a new reading of  the paratextual apparatus of Operación masacre, analyze its protagonist in a different way and understand better the relationship between literature and reality in Walsh’s writing. 


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How to Cite

The Epigraphs of Operación Masacre: Rodolfo Walsh and the Soft Quiet Seasons. (2024). Nota Al Margen, 2(4), 13-26.