La disputa hermenéutica por la moral del lenguaje en La causa justa de Osvaldo Lamborghini


  • Ana Levstein Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



hermeneutics, moral, misunderstanding, dissemination, undecidability


In "La causa Justa" from Osvaldo Lamborghini, nobody owns his speech; palimpsests history, writing scripts, dissemination of meaning. It is a story about the implications of the crisis of meaning production registered in all meaning production. This paper puts the focus on argument structure that guides us to a reading of "La causa justa" as dispute between hermeneutic paradigms among militant positions of some of the central characters in terms of the uses and abuses of language and morality / immorality / extramorality flowing through them. Different philosophies of language ("speech acts theory", deconstruction) pass through the characters involved in discussions of life and death, about the lie, the truth, the joke, the promise, morality and their only common premise: language as writing, as a trace of an unknowable reality. In the story appears a dialectal use, deterritorialising, "minor" of the language, and so, very revolutionary, adhering to the concept of "minor literature" that Gilles Deleuze presents in his study of Kafka. This dialect is also crude and parodic, as the popular motifs on which to build the argentinidad.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Levstein, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
    Dra. en Letras, Magíster en Sociosemiótica, Prof. Adjunta del Seminario “Los massmedia y la formación de nuevas subjetividades y actores sociales”, Escuela de Ciencias de la Información –U.N.C-. Profesora Adjunta de “Hermenéutica”, Escuela de Letras –UNC-. Investigadora del Centro de Investigaciones “María Saleme de Burnichon” de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades –U.N.C-.


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DERRIDA, Jacques (1998) De la gramatología. Editorial Siglo Ventiuno. 5º edición en castellano. México.

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How to Cite

La disputa hermenéutica por la moral del lenguaje en La causa justa de Osvaldo Lamborghini. (2013). Recial, 4(4).

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