Creativity in the Workplace: Psychometric Properties of the CPPC-17 Scale


  • Ramón Rodríguez-Montalbán University of Puerto Rico, Cayey. Puerto Rico Author
  • Adam Rosario-Rodríguez Albizu University, San Juan Campus. Puerto Rico Author
  • Sofía Rodríguez-Santiago University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. Puerto Rico Author
  • William Figueroa-Romero Albizu University, San Juan Campus. Puerto Rico Author
  • Thaymis Báez-Luciano University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. Puerto Rico Author
  • Yarí Marini-Santiago Albizu University Mayagüez, University Center. Puerto Rico Author
  • Yamirca Carrión Albizu University Mayagüez, University Center. Puerto Rico Author
  • Aileen Dávila-Rodríguez Albizu University Mayagüez, University Center. Puerto Rico Author
  • Obed Santiago Albizu University Mayagüez, University Center. Puerto Rico Author
  • Cristina Quiñones Albizu University Mayagüez, University Center. Puerto Rico Author
  • Mariana Figueroa Albizu University Mayagüez, University Center. Puerto Rico Author
  • Carla Harrison Albizu University Mayagüez, University Center. Puerto Rico Author



creative potential, creative practice, organizational support


This study aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the Creative Potential and Creative Practice (CPPC-17) scale. A heterogeneous sample of 1021 workers from different workplaces in Puerto Rico was used to meet this objective. This study used a quantitative method with an instrumental design. The findings reveal that the CPPC-17 scale has construct validity with a factorial structure of three dimensions with Cronbach's alpha values that fluctuated between .91 and .96. In conclusion, the CPPC-17 scale turned out to be a robust instrument to measure Organizational Creativity, along with these three factors: creative potential, creative practice, and organizational support, in the workplace in Puerto Rico.


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How to Cite

Creativity in the Workplace: Psychometric Properties of the CPPC-17 Scale. (2024). Revista Evaluar, 24(2), 76-88.