To learn and teach sciences in contact with nature

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Silvia Patricia Valdés
Carmen Cecilia Moreno
Margarita Gil de Marrupe


An educative experience developed with students of a school placed in the location of San Lorenzo, province of Salta is herein presented. The zone constitutes a prolongation of the eco-region of Las Yungas, characterized, among others, by the great arboreal diversity. It is shown how, during a field trip, the appropriate intervention of the teacher permitted to transform the students´ questions and observations into problems and hypotheses of work that led to an investigation about the relation of epiphytic species with native and exotic arboreal substrata. The experience is considered important, not only for the educative value but also for the social and cultural implications of it, since it was developed within the framework of the context of the school influence community.

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How to Cite
To learn and teach sciences in contact with nature. (2009). Journal of Biology Education, 11(2), 48-52.
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How to Cite

To learn and teach sciences in contact with nature. (2009). Journal of Biology Education, 11(2), 48-52.