Natural Science Education in the province of Salta: starting points for transformation

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Margarita Gil de Marrupe
Julio N. Nakhlé


This paper shows the results of some reflections arising from the study that, since 1993, has been carried out on the teaching of Natural Sciences in the province of Salta (Argentina), as a further contribution to the educational transformation in the area. A situational panorama is described based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of classroom practice, carried out in different educational institutions. Likewise, based on the teacher training implemented in the jurisdiction, alternatives are offered to review and rethink the practice itself, contributing at the same time to the critical analysis of science teacher training. Finally, it is proposed to evaluate the transpositional effects of the training, a work that is in full development stage.

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How to Cite
Gil de Marrupe , M., & Nakhlé, J. N. . (2001). Natural Science Education in the province of Salta: starting points for transformation. Journal of Biology Education, 4(1), 34-40.
Propuestas, innovaciones y desarrollos

How to Cite

Gil de Marrupe , M., & Nakhlé, J. N. . (2001). Natural Science Education in the province of Salta: starting points for transformation. Journal of Biology Education, 4(1), 34-40.

