Notes for a political philosophy from Latin America: Democracy, heterarchical power and construction of universality


  • Augusto Rattini Escuela de Filosofía (FFyH-UNC)


democracy, universality, heterarchical power, Latin America


This paper address some of the ways in which the complex field of the instituting processes of the social -the political- has been studied in recent decades in Latin America. Specifically, it analyzes the ways in which a certain Latin American political philosophy has considered democracy in relation to the problem of universality. In this framework, it strengthens those perspectives that study power from the Latin American particularity, which allows for a more complex reading of the concept of universality and, therefore, can open up new ways of reading our democracies.


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How to Cite

Notes for a political philosophy from Latin America: Democracy, heterarchical power and construction of universality. (2024). Síntesis, 15, 60-75.