The biographical trajectory in doing: on the construction of teaching knowledge in a suburban university

Main Article Content

Lucía Petrelli


This article focuses on the relationship between the professional and biographical trajectories of university professors, and the specific work of teaching in an institution founded with a clear mandate of social inclusion: the National University of José C. Paz. Initially, aspects of the career of a professor at said university are reconstructed. In a second moment, the ways in which the baggage built in their formative journey is expressed in the deployment of their classes are documented. Subsequently, the ways in which the teacher produces - in dialogue with the students - the relevance of the contents of the subject in the professional training of those who study, and its relationship with the construction of teaching knowledge are analyzed.

The production and analysis of the data presented in the article is oriented from a biographical approach, conceived as a theoretical-methodological approach that allows understanding different dimensions of social reality. The corpus of primary sources was built between mid-2021 and the end of 2023, based on the priority development of interviews and class observations.

The relevance of this analytical proposal lies in the possibility of knowing aspects of the social and daily production of a suburban university and the right to higher education.

Article Details

How to Cite
The biographical trajectory in doing: on the construction of teaching knowledge in a suburban university. (2024). Cuadernos De Educación, 24, 136-155.
Author Biography

Lucía Petrelli

Doctora por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (área Antropología Social). Licenciada y Profesora en Ciencias Antropológicas (UBA). Profesora Asociada regular en la Universidad Nacional de José C. Paz e Investigadora del Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Contextos de Desigualdades de la misma casa de estudios.

How to Cite

The biographical trajectory in doing: on the construction of teaching knowledge in a suburban university. (2024). Cuadernos De Educación, 24, 136-155.


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