Teaching at university. Pandemic... and the day after


  • Mariana Maggio Universidad de Buenos Aires




The work is framed in the perspective called live didactics that seeks to alter the classical approaches in teaching practices from a process of reinvention that begins with the recognition of cultural trends. This framework is brought into play in the analysis of the process of acceleration of digitalization that occurred in universities after the closure of physical buildings and the suspension of face-to-face classes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Phases that took place in 2020 and the consolidation of some pedagogical-didactic features in 2021 are identified. In the understanding that the alteration of certain conditions instituted as an effect of the pandemic are not giving rise to redesign processes focused on contemporary modes of knowledge construction, some dimensions are introduced to imagine contemporary, relevant and inclusive teaching practices as part of the University that emerge from the crisis as an engine of creation and social transformation.


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Dossier especial: La Educación Superior en tiempos de Pandemia

How to Cite

Teaching at university. Pandemic... and the day after. (2021). Integración Y Conocimiento, 10(2), 203-217. https://doi.org/10.61203/2347-0658.v10.n2.34097