Open access and scientific journals at UNA
open access, scientific journals, open scienceAbstract
Open science raises the open access of the different elements that make up science, for this to be possible, a transformation in the traditional way of doing science is necessary. Although the concepts of open science were tacitly present throughout evolution, with the appearance of the Internet it is considered as a product of this, due to the ability to generate disintermediation in the processes of access and dissemination of information. The objective of this work was to describe the situation of the scientific journals of the National University of Asunción based on the main open access indicators available. For this, a documentary-bibliographical research was developed with a quantitative approach, based on the data. The results showed that, although there are 25 journals within the National University of Asunción, only 18 of them are on the scientific journals portal, all of them being refereed and indexed. The management of social networks is incipient, however, it denotes a greater number of citations in articles from the area of health sciences. Paraguay is moving towards open science, and to advance in the different challenges it is necessary that the actions can be agreed between all the parties that comprise them: the academy, the research centers and institutes, as well as the governing bodies of the scientific area.
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