Doctors; Policies; TrainingAbstract
The objective of this article is to characterize the changes in doctoral training policies at the national level since the beginning of the new century, paying particular attention to the field of Human and Social Sciences in the Technical Scientific Research Council (CONICET). The article looks at the way in which researcher training policies were developed, the tensions that arose within the organization and the changes that occurred with changes in government at the national level. The period that began in 2002 redefines the main guidelines in the Science and Technology sector at the national level, marking the beginning of a new cycle for the scientific field in the country, but particularly for the doctoral level. To do this, firstly, the state of the situation is analyzed after the political and economic crisis that Argentina suffered at the end of 2001, and secondly, the measures taken from 2002 to 2018. The empirical corpus of this article is made up of secondary statistical data and reports generated by public Science and Technology organizations (CONICET and CIC) and semi-structured interviews carried out within the framework of this research with public officials.
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