Join the body, time and space from the Global South: philosophizing from Nuestra América


  • Gabriela Bard Wigdor CIECS.CONICET


Latin America, social sciences , coloniality, social sciences and coloniality


This text is a heartfelt and enjoyed review of a book with local and regional power, organized into chapters that open different windows to the Social Sciences, under the title "Critical interpellations to the social sciences and humanities from America Latina”, coordinated by Dr. Paola Gramaglia. From the tour of the different texts of this compilation, I highlight and analyze debates that the authors propose on different aspects of the coloniality of power, being, knowledge and gender. Coloniality that is identified even in those agents and social movements that are counter-hegemonic, such as feminisms. Throughout the book, we measure how complex it is to question university knowledge from the university itself and the authors know it, which is why they strive to disarm and demonstrate what happens to counter-hegemonic discourses when they are captured by the academic and neoliberal discourse. Also, the way in which people work all the time against ourselves, in favor of our own domination, especially visible in structures such as universities. Mainly, the particularity of this book is that the commitment to social change is not located especially in the radical transformation of the structures, but rather it attends to the micropolitical agency of the subjects. Problematic situation, because we already know at this point in social theory that oppressions are not always material, but rather live within us and that they constitute us as subjects from birth itself. However, there are groups that still resist and create in the face of this adverse context and this book is an example of this, of the encounter between rebellious wills that investigate, debate and write to help reveal oppressions and dream up new ways of building decolonial communities.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriela Bard Wigdor, CIECS.CONICET

    Doctora en Estudios de Género en CEA-UNC, Magister en Trabajo Social, Licenciada en Trabajo Social, Becaria CONICET.

    Investigadora Adjunta del CONICET



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Bell Hooks (2021) Enseñar a transgredir. La educación como práctica de la libertad. Buenos Aires: Capitán Swing Libros

Kohan, Alexandra (2022) Un cuerpo al fin. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Lacan Jaques (1981) Seminario 20 – Aun. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Negroni, Maria (2022) El corazón del Daño. Buenos Aires: Literatura Random House.

Segato, Rita (2020) “La politicidad de las mujeres no reconoce vanguardias”. Revista Catarsis.

Tzul TzuL, Gladys (2020) “Las mujeres indígenas reivindicamos una larga memoria de lucha por la tierra”. Revista Amazonas.




How to Cite

Join the body, time and space from the Global South: philosophizing from Nuestra América. (2022). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 11(22), 223-238.