Towards a poetics of metamorphosis: canon, norm, margin and their poetic and generic reformulations in Latin literature between the Augustan and the Flavian periods


  • Natalia Milovich Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Maricel Radiminsky Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Nicolás Russo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



canon, norm, margin, diachronic reformulations, poetics of metamorphosis


Within the framework of the SECyT project (2018-2021), Canon, Norm and Margin in Latin Literature: Poetic and Generic Reformulations from the Augustan Period to the Flavian Period, directed by Prof. Dr. Eleonora Tola and based in the “María Saleme de Burnichon” Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba, we will give an account of the trajectory of our team and its ensuing research approaches. We acknowledge that the literary genres in Rome respond to a series of elements that, according to their recurrences and groupings, distinguish and characterize each literary genre, posing them as normative constructs. At the same time, these codes involve works and authors that, depending on whether they respond to these standardizations or not, feature as canonical or marginal. However, the coexistence and the interaction between different norms and canons establish inter-generic crossings that, depending on their dynamic nature, reveal a diachronic recasting of their primary literary genres, thus giving rise to a metamorphic process. Therefore, we state that the cultural and ideological issues underlying the augustan, neronian and flavian literature allow us to advance a poetics of metamorphosis.


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Author Biographies

  • Natalia Milovich, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Licenciada en Letras Clásicas, becaria doctoral en CONICET, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Sociedad y Cultura, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, 

  • Maricel Radiminsky, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Doctora en Letras, docente ayudante de Lengua y Cultura Latina, becaria posdoctoral en CONICET, Instituto de Filología Clásica, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 

  • Nicolás Russo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Profesor en Letras, docente ayudante de Lengua y Cultura Latina, becario doctoral en CONICET, Instituto de Filología Clásica, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 


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How to Cite

Towards a poetics of metamorphosis: canon, norm, margin and their poetic and generic reformulations in Latin literature between the Augustan and the Flavian periods. (2020). Recial, 11(18).

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