The technological vector in public universities in Argentina: local responses to global challenges


  • Giselle González Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Consejo Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica



University-Technology Transfer-Public Policies -State- Society


Several socio-productive transformations of a global order affect the incorporation of a technological agenda for universities. Through the analysis of qualitative-quantitative primary and secondary sources, the article studies how national universities implemented technological innovation policies. Part of an organizational approach applied to case studies. To identify the process of change, qualitative-quantitative R&D indicators were constructed and a descriptive analysis was applied. The article contributes to the understanding of university exchange rates in full state-public subsidy schemes


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Author Biography

  • Giselle González, Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Consejo Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica

    Doctora, Magister y Especialista en Educación por la Universidad de San Andrés. Licenciada en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se desempeña como docente-investigadora en el Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS) de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata y en el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET).


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How to Cite

The technological vector in public universities in Argentina: local responses to global challenges. (2022). Integración Y Conocimiento, 11(2), 120-138.

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