Promote the internationalization of the curriculum with technological strategies
Internationalization of the curriculum. ICT. EducationAbstract
The notable and significant advance of technology has transformed various areas, where education has not been left out. This evolution has facilitated communication, connection and exchange of educational experiences between different curricular spaces internationally. This article describes the project “Internationalization mediated by ICT: 4th. Edition” developed between the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences (FCV) of the National University of the Litoral (UNL) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of the Republic (UDeLaR). Implemented in 2021, the proposal sought to promote an expanded space for higher education in virtual environments, facilitating collaboration and teaching mobility, and developing transversal skills in students. The methodology included the creation of a carefully designed virtual environment on the Moodle platform, with thematic blocks that encouraged collaborative work and the creation of digital presentations. 80 students participated, who were evaluated using specific rubrics. The results showed high levels of interaction, satisfaction and appropriation of digital and multicultural skills. The student evaluation highlighted the accessibility and quality of the resources, as well as the positive impact on the learning process. This experience underlines the importance of integrating the international dimension into the curriculum, using technology to enrich educational practices and prepare students for a globalized world.
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