On the Art of Not Belonging: the Post-exile Experience in Magali Alabau's We have Arrived at Ilión


  • María Lucía Puppo Centro de Estudios de Literatura Comparada “M. T. Maiorana”, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Católica Argentina. CONICET https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4413-8306




Magali Alabua, Cuban poetry, twentieth century, post-exile, city


In the poem-book We have arrived at Ilión (1992), Magali Alabau (Cienfuegos, 1945) recounts the trip back to Havana that she made twenty years after going to live in the United States. Reissued again in 2013 by Editorial Betania in Madrid, the text does not lose validity as a contemporary account of the Cuban diaspora. This paper offers a reading of the poem in light of the notion of post-exile as developed by Alexis Nouss (2015), integrating the contributions of the social sciences in the perspective of comparative literature. On the one hand, we examine the various strategies that converge in the ghostly representation of the city, where spatial references intersect with mythological ones, highlighting the void left by the absent. On the other, we analyze some factors that define the status of the poetic speaker as a subject of post-exile in Alabau's long poem.


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How to Cite

On the Art of Not Belonging: the Post-exile Experience in Magali Alabau’s We have Arrived at Ilión. (2023). Recial, 14(23), 34-46. https://doi.org/10.53971/2718.658x.v14.n23.41363

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