Poetics and Performances of the Proper Name in Literature (1980-2020): An Introduction





proper names, nominal supplementarity, hypersemanticity, social-legal name, autofiction


The personal proper name as a linguistic, onomastic, mythical, aesthetic-literary, philosophical, and social category is a transdisciplinary object that, despite its multiple forms of approach, has generally been restricted to unilateral considerations. With the extensive transformations of the notions of identity and subjectivity in the last four decades (1980–2020) as a result of the change of episteme from modernity to postmodernity, the proper name of the characters began to be presented, within an area of ​​literary discourse in the Southern Cone, increasingly as a locus of aesthetic and subjective experimentation. If identity is tied to one’s name, then the ways of “doing things with names” that the texts rehearse would have consequences on the subjective-identitarian-textual sphere of the characters as well as, predictably, on the diegetic universes that they wander. I call these nominal poetics or performances of the name, whose approach requires, in my opinion, an interdisciplinary modulation. In this study, I provide an introduction, a general picture of the development of the three macro-valences that intervene, according to my hypothesis, in the nominal phenomena of the Southern Cone: nominal supplementarity, hypersemanticity (Barthes, 2011; Szaszak Bongartz, 2024), and the legal-social condition of the name in autofiction.


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How to Cite

Poetics and Performances of the Proper Name in Literature (1980-2020): An Introduction. (2024). Recial, 15(26), 182-200. https://doi.org/10.53971/2718.658x.v16.n26.47211

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