Democracy as the Use Value of the Peripheral University
Latin American University. Internal Colonialism. Reform of CórdobaAbstract
The Latin American university carries a foundational trauma: it was born during the colonial era, functioning as a tool of ideological domination, cultural assimilation, and the reproduction of dependency. This article argues that the history of the peripheral Latin American university is, at its core, a struggle to overcome this foundational origin, expressed in its effort to establish itself as an internally democratic institution and a socially democratizing force. Within this framework, the university in the region must be understood as the expression of a dialectic that reflects its dual nature: a space for the systemic reproduction of colonial history while simultaneously striving for its own emancipation. The text begins by describing the birth of the peripheral university. It then analyzes its internal struggle by exploring the dialectical evolution of these institutions during key moments such as the Córdoba Reform of 1918, the achievement of free education in 1949, and the fight for unrestricted access, effectively implemented after the return to democracy in 1985 and consolidated through the Puiggrós Law of 2015. The article revisits this debate in the present day, highlighting the harassment faced by universities within the broader context of the assault on democracy in the region. In response to this scenario, it examines national university mobilizations in 18 countries across the region between 2018 and 2024 (a total of 178), showcasing the duality of their struggle: resisting to defend democratic achievements while simultaneously protecting the broader democratic system. Framed within the history of the university and the region, the article concludes by advocating for the need to establish democracy as the essential value of the peripheral university.
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